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Oculta ediciones menores - Muestra los cambios de salida

29 febrero 2012 a las 04h06 por -
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Paki, aunque con retraso, te comunico que todos los que lo solicist teis a trav s de los coemntarios est is admitidos/as

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1.What types of things did the first website ask you to do?The website tells us to read a reversed paragraph in 60 seconds.2.On a scale of 1- 10 how successful were you in completing the tasks? 73.What made completing the task difficult?The letters were reversed, but I made out the words little by little.4.What could the web designer have done to make the site more accessible to you?They made it helpful by informing me of the reversed speech.1.What types of things did the first website ask you to do?It asked me to multi-task.2.On a scale of 1- 10 how successful were you in completing the tasks? 73.What made completing the task difficult?Doing two things at the same time.4.What could the web designer have done to make the site more accessible to you?They could have made it less difficult.

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23 febrero 2012 a las 03h37 por -
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Líneas cambiada 4-6 desde:
ag5JBt <a href="">jmytrskbprut</a>
Paki, aunque con retraso, te comunico que todos los que lo solicist teis a trav s de los coemntarios est is admitidos/as

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>buy tramadol online</a> <a href="">auto insurance quote</a>
17 febrero 2012 a las 11h30 por -
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Líneas añadidas 3-4:
(:title Continua Bibliografia Economica:)
ag5JBt <a href="">jmytrskbprut</a>
16 febrero 2012 a las 18h53 por -
Línea añadida 1:
(:description Opaa muito oagirbdo procurei muito esse filme so vim conseguir achar um link on aqui no site de vocesAgradeco muitooooo estao de parabens.:)