RED ESCUELA : PmWiki / Edit Variables
RED ESCUELA : Pm Wiki / Edit Variables

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To set many of the variables below specify them in config.php.

When set to '1', turns on the graphical buttons in the "Edit Page" form.
# turn on graphical edit buttons
$EnableGUIButtons = 1;
When set to '1', posting of pages requires the author to provide an author name. Otherwise, authors can post without a name.
# require authors to provide a name
$EnablePostAuthorRequired = 1;
When set to '1', enables the "Save draft" button and built-in handling of "draft" versions of pages, where:
  1. initial "Save draft" of an existing page ("Page Name?") saves changes to a new name ("Page Name?-Draft")
  2. subsequent attempts to edit Page Name? causes Page Name?-Draft to be edited
  3. subsequent selections of "Save draft" cause Page Name?-Draft to be saved
  4. pressing "Publish" causes Page Name?-Draft to be posted to Page Name?, and deleted.
# turn on draft edits
$EnableDrafts = 1;
A related variable, $EnablePublishAttr, adds a new "publish" authorization level to distinguish editing of drafts from publishing them.
The suffix to use for draft versions of pages (default "-Draft").
The $DiffKeepDays variable sets the minimum length of time that a page's revision history is kept. By default it is set to 3650 days, or a little less than ten years. You can change this value in a customization file to be something smaller, e.g.:
$DiffKeepDays = 30; # keep revisions at least 30 days
Note that a specific page revision isn't removed from the page until the first edit after the time specified by $DiffKeepDays has elapsed. Thus, it's still possible for some pages to have revisions older than $DiffKeepDays -- such revisions will be removed the next time those pages are edited.
This variable contains the minimum number of changes to be kept in the page history, even if some of them are older than the limit defined by $DiffKeepDays. It prevents lost history of pages that are older, but have few changes.
$DiffKeepNum = 50; # keep at least 50 revisions (default is 20)
The pattern used to determine if a page should be deleted. The default is to remove pages that contain only the single word "delete" (and optional spaces).
# change delete word to "remove"
$DeleteKeyPattern = "^\\s*remove\\s*$";
# delete any page with no visible text, i.e., empty
$DeleteKeyPattern = "^\\s*$";
Name of the page (or an array of names) to be used as the default text for any newly created pages.
# Use 'Main.NewPageTemplate' as default text of all new pages
$EditTemplatesFmt = 'Main.NewPageTemplate';
# Use 'Template' in the current group for new pages
$EditTemplatesFmt = '$Group.Template';
# Use 'Template' in the current group if it exists, otherwise
# use 'Main.NewPageTemplate'
$EditTemplatesFmt = array('$Group.Template', 'Main.NewPageTemplate');
See Cookbook:EditTemplates for more information.
Used in conjunction with the Auto Create Targets? edit function, this array records any sets of pages which should be created automatically if they don't exist. The syntax is
where REGEXP is a regular expression which will identify the pages to be autocreated, and PAGE_PARAMETERS is an array of attributes for the page to be created. For example,
$AutoCreate['/^Category\\./'] = array('ctime' => $Now);
will create a blank page with a current creation time for any missing Category page.
The text that should be displayed when browsing non-existent pages. As default Pm Wiki uses the contents of Site.Page Not Found
$DefaultPageTextFmt = '(:include $[{$SiteGroup}.PageNotFound]:)';
This array contains the sequence of functions that are called when a page is edited. It can be customized to provide additional functions to be called as part of the editing process. The standard setting is:
$EditFunctions = array('EditTemplate', 'RestorePage', 'ReplaceOnSave',
  'SaveAttributes', 'PostPage', 'PostRecentChanges', 'AutoCreateTargets', 'PreviewPage'); 
With this array you can add a pattern as key and set a text value which replace it on every edit request, using preg_replace function. Specifically it is replaced when the page is loaded into the editform, whenever a preview is done, and when the page is saved (from Pm Wiki 2.2.0beta45). See Cookbook:ROEPatterns for examples.
With this array you can add patterns as key and set a text value which will replace it when the edited page is posted (as signaled by $EnablePost). It is not replaced when the page is loaded into the editform nor when a preview is done, but it is replaced only when the page is saved. See Cookbook:ROSPatterns for examples.
Set to a true value if the page is actually saved (e.g., this is used to tell the Recent Changes handlers if they need to update).
By default, this is the HTML to be displayed for an edit form.
Specifies the edit form for ?action=edit. Defaults to '$SiteGroup.Edit Form?'.
Like $HandleBrowseFmt, this specifies the entire output format for ?action=edit for a page.
The page to which an author is sent after pressing "Save" or "Cancel" from an edit form. Defaults to "$FullName", which sends the author to the page just edited, but can be changed to specify another page.
# redirect to Main.HomePage
$EditRedirectFmt = 'Main.HomePage';  
# redirect to HomePage of current group
$EditRedirectFmt = '{$Group}.HomePage';

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This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:EditVariables, and a talk page: PmWiki:EditVariables-Talk.

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